Sunday, April 18, 2004

On the Double

A tall man lived with his old, frail grandmother in a small, dingy apartment that had peeling paint on some walls, no paint on others, and some walls with gaping holes showing the plumbing and electrical work running up and down the beams inside the walls. Sometimes, one could even catch a quick glimpse of large, ferocious looking, diseased rats running on these pipes. The tall man was so tall that he had to bend down to enter his own apartment. One evening, when the man returned home from a hard days work at his accounting firm, his grandmother was dead and a large rat was nibbling on her toes. The man flung his briefcase at the rat, which shouted a loud squeak and ran away into the depths of the infinite pipes in the wall. As the man stood next to his grandmothers body, deciding what to do next, a horde of savage rats came out of the wall and ate him clean to the bone.

Moral of the story: Everybody's grandmother passes away someday.

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